Carmelina Raco carries out all the phases of production of high-quality Italian tailoring. Her works start from the study of the person, to the choice of the fabrics up to the realization of the garment with a unique design. Timeless creations they are worked according to the impeccable rules of man’s tailoring, as the original customs hand crafted. A real work of art which reproduce the extreme value of the dress by guarantying durability in the time and a final unrepeatable result.
Each creation starts from the study of the various sketches and drafts, and it is going through the constructions of the models, where the idea is developed and takes a shape. In taking the clients’ measures and in the choice of the fabric, where we will see the sketches and models then we will choose the pattern, which it will represent their personality, their shape with the various proportions.

Successively the dress and hemps will be cut, in the construction of the breast, up to the manufacture of the front jacket that it is connected to the quality of the fabrics and the draws, a straight thread all handmade, as the pockets and fillings, through linings until the manufacturing of the neck and the sleeves, those ones rigorously short sleeves crown in order to guarantee the best movement.

In this way we are going to assist the first fitting where the client wears the dress that is whole basted, so she can feel its fit and the comfort. This the phase where the tailor takes notes of all necessary modifications to going through the second fitting and in the end to the third one, that it is called “sleeves and neck” fitting, until the suit is completed.
Between the first and the other fitting of the garment, the dress is going to be entirely undone, so it is possible to bring all the necessary modifications to it, such as on the pattern that it becomes a reproduction of client’s posture and size. Ones that the pattern has been defined, it is going to facilitate the construction process of next clothes, speeding up the work and the delivery.
For the realization of the garments are used natural materials, such as for example linen hemp, camel hair, horsehair, and wadding for shoulder pads, also custom made. So also, the fabrics of solid and soft hand, like the English one, the tweed, the Scottish cashmere and the Irish linen

Great importance in tailor manufacturing is the dry iron, where its weight is from 5 to 7 kg, it allows to work and to shape each part of the dress, in order to build all the structure, that slowly takes form. The tailor manufacturing is connected to the use of dry iron, this is essential for a handmade dress.

Between one fitting and another, the garment is marked in full, being the pattern subject to modifications, this from the first fitting to its final realization, guaranteeing a faithful reproduction of the model.